Monday, June 8, 2009

Still fighting.

Well, apparently I'm still fighting with my scale.. and I think I won't win. I'm going to have to buy another one. GRRRR

The first number (and second) showed that I was exactly the same. After that point, it said I gained. Whatever. So I'm choosing that I stayed exactly the same. :-D

Not losing is actually not that unexpected for this past week as it was the 10 year anniversary of my brother's death. I did have an afternoon where I ate six one point cookies. But considering that I could have totally pigged out, I'm ok with that. To be honest, emotional eating is something I've been working on for years. YEARS. I've definitely improved.. no more eating an entire bag of chips, half a package of cookies or huge bowls full of ice cream when I'm upset!

After starting Weight Watchers and I was tracking my points all day long, I was suddenly aware of other triggers for emotional eating. Like when I'm getting us all ready to leave somewhere, I would grab a snack. But I wasn't just leisurely enjoying a cookie, I was inhaling two at a time. No wonder I was gaining weight! Now I try to be aware of possible.. anxiety.. times and if I really need something, I make sure it's just a 1 point cookie, some pretzels or a big glass of water (or diet coke).

Over the weekend there was a night that our (Indian) neighbors invited us over for a birthday dinner and like last week, I tried to pick what I thought was point friendly but really I don't know. Maybe they dump lots of butter in their rice or their chicken was marinated with oil. Know what I mean? It's always hard figuring out what to eat in those situations. I'm hoping I sweated enough to cancel out what I might have gained. lol Maybe that's why my neighbor is small! And at the Air Show on Saturday, I had some snacks that I would have normally avoided (frozen lemonade, etc). But I also walked a LOT.

After all of that rambling, I forgot to share my happy new though.

I lost INCHES!!

Arms, waist and thighs are all down a 1/2". My rear end is down 1".

*happy dance*

I've been camping out at around this weight range for awhile now but it's nice that my clothes are fitting differently. In fact, I desperately need new shirts. Before I could wear my old shirts and they just looked bigger.. they definitely look sloppy now. What I can wear and look ok in, is limited. Although my awesome husband says I look amazing in everything. ;o)

I told my mom that for my birthday (in less than 2 weeks!) that I want her to watch my kids so I can go shopping with my sister. It's really hard with all of our crazy kids plus my brother John, but I hope it works out.

Speaking of my birthday.. you know what that means.. a big fat piece, guilt free, of carrot cake!! YUM!


  1. Good job! Making it through a tough week is a big accomplishment, weight loss or not!

  2. Stupid scale! Maybe Kohl's still has the WW one I bought on clearance.
    Sorry you had a rough week. It sounds like you handled it very well.
    Indian food would be my undoing. Seriously. I'm so glad my favorite Indian restaurant moved all the way to Sandy. :sigh:

  3. Yeah for inches! Inches are what are important anyway!


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