Tuesday, July 21, 2009


After the first few times that I worked out, I was pretty sore. But it's been getting better which I was happy about. It was only the 'good' sore where you really felt it was working and not the 'bad' kind where you might kill over and die.

Yesterday, I was able to lift a little heavier weights with my arms. And then there was that episode where I was trying to not feel weak about Grandma Thunder Thighs.

Not my smartest day, I'm thinking.

My body ached slightly just before I went to bed.. but today? Um, OW! My arms.. my back (a little), my sides (a LOT) and my inner thighs all hurt. HURT, I say!

I woke up enough last night (every time I moved) that I decided to skip the gym today. Just confessing.

I'll catch it on the flip side: tomorrow.

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