Monday, October 26, 2009

my.. head..

I haven't posted in a few weeks. I forgot.. and then I went out with Drew where I indulged in Spinach Artichoke Dip (I KNOW!- I did show a little restraint though) and I gained a few pounds.. and it took it's time to come back off which of course was a little discouraging. Who knew a few pounds heavier would make me grouchy. It's silly, really..

Of course it didn't help that I had a headache for a few days last week.. who wants to wake up EARLY to work out when your head hurts? Not I! And my hip was really bugging me.. it's sad when anyone near me can hear it randomly pop. It sounds like it's cracking! grrr

I did go twice though, I think it was. I've been giving the treadmill a whirl instead of the elliptical machine. I'm only doing 30 minutes but I walk at a some-what quick pace on an incline of 4-5.. and then after 10 minutes, I lower the incline and run.

I always feel silly when I try running because I've never been good at it.. and I feel so jiggly!!

When I first started trying to run a few weeks ago, I about died once I hit 45 seconds. Now I can last 1 minute before about killing over.

I know, I know. Who can't even run for a minute?? It really kicks my butt though. But at least I'm getting better at it, right?

I'm not feeling so hot today so I'm not sure how working out will go this week.

At least my weight is back down.. 37 pounds lost.

Anyone have a game plan for Halloween and treats/candy??? Most of it I think I'll be able to resist.. but we'll see. :-S

(good news is no bags of chocolate have even been purchased, therefor not even consumed.. huge difference compared to last year!!)

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