Monday, June 29, 2009

Fiber One Waffles

First thing is first: I'm talking about Waffles.

Go ahead, say it in your best Donkey voice.

I'll wait.

"... and in the Morning? I'm making Waffles!"

Good, now that we have that out of the way, I can continue.

For Christmas I bought Drew an awesome waffle maker.. you pour the batter in it and then flip it over resulting in huge round circles of yumminess. mmmmm

The first time after I joined WW that we had a waffles, I didn't research it first and I figured it wasn't that bad. Unfortunately, with the mix we used and Drew's way of making it (a lot of batter) it ended up being FIFTEEN points. :-O

Since then, I'm always on the look for a way to enjoy it in a more healthful way and in a mix, because I'm lazy.

Last week I found this at the store and figured I would give it a try as the serving size is 1/2 cup of mix (not prepared) is 3 points.

I followed the directions on the back for the waffle version only in an individual size (going off of the mix serving size).

-1/2 cup of mix
-1/4 cup plus slightly more of water
-1 1/2 tsp. oil

Total points is 5.

I measured out 1 TBS of regular Aunt Jemima syrup and put it on the side. I have a huge hatred for soggy items so I put mine on the side and dip it in. Last week my brother-in-law told us that whip cream and syrup is really good together and turns out he's right. So, I measured out Two Tablespoons of regular cool whip (because that's what I had) and added it to the side as well. Each one is 1 point.
I had around half of the syrup and whip cream left by the time I was finished so I only counted 1 point total for the two of them- next time I'll measure it accordingly.

The entire plate was 6 points. Now THAT is my kind of waffle. And it tasted good!

And this is yet another example of how it's possible to really pack on the calories and fat when you think you really aren't being that bad. If you're my husband, you would make the serving size much larger than needed, you add some butter on (well, a light spread not real butter) but then fill each little spot with syrup. It really adds up!

Can't wait to have Breakfast for Dinner again with some delicious fruit on the side.

P.S. I tried some Sugar Free store brand syrup awhile back and it's NASTY! Don't do it! I did have some Smucker's Sugar Free at IHOP once and it was ok. I just stick with the reg. stuff now but measure it out.


  1. Looks tasty! Can I borrow your waffle iron?
    j/k LOL

  2. Sorry, Drew would lever let it out of sight. ;o)

    I watched for it to go on Sale at Kohl's and was able to use a 30% off code.. think it was $35 total. Not bad for a Christmas present that he LOVES and we use often.

    The best is with a few Ghirardelli chips in it or blueberries...

  3. thank you for all the tips. I am a huge breakfast lover but haven't dared make too much for fear of packing on the points. And we haven't been to oliver garden in forever so that sounds yummy too!!

  4. ha ha oliver garden!!!! I will laugh at myself for that one


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