Monday, January 26, 2009

Weigh In #3

So this past week has been interesting. I've been weighing myself daily (WW advises once per week) and have watched it go up and down.. I know some fluctuation occurs just from the fact on if I've nursed Kaitlyn yet that morning let alone whatever else.

Anyway, so today is my official weigh in day and I lost: 1.5 for a grand total of 9.5lbs.

Little disappointed it wasn't more.. but what do you do.

I know my problem areas.. same as last week. Need to drink more water.. make sure I eat ALL of my points.. and exercise more.

I think I might even try waking up early to exercise this week. Which might kill me. Or make me totally and completely brain dead. Unless Kaitlyn decides to sleep all night.. then I might survive. Maybe. Still deciding.

The grand total of almost 10 pounds is just awesome though.. I can definitley tell it in my clothes. So that makes me very happy.

What I have found interesting this past week is looking at how I used to eat. For example, this past Saturday we went out for lunch for my Mother-in-law's birthday to a Chinese restaurant. I normally would have ordered fried rice, Orange Chicken (or something similar) and had a spring roll and a cream cheese wonton or two. I calculated that the rice and chicken alone were aprox. 24 points. My sister who is doing WW only gets 20 for the entire day!!

So instead I ordered the Chicken and Broccoli and steamed rice which I guessed to be around 12 (think that might be higher than it actually is- the rice alone was 6 points). I didn't eat the egg drop soup or the eggroll. I did have a little bite of the Cream Cheese wonton because Drew has been talking for WEEKS about how amazing they are.. but I broke it in half and just ate the bottom cream cheese part. And it was as fantastic as he said it was. LOL

And that is something else I love about WW.. I can eat whatever I want! Just have to take the point factor into account.. very nice.

Ok, that's all I have for now. lol

I'll post something I enjoy having for breakfast in a little bit and hopefully I can get my sister to post something this week. She said last week's meeting was lame-o (my words) and at the end of last week I lost my phone for a couple of days so I didn't have a way to talk to her anyway.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome Becky!! I wish I could get the eating better part down!! I need a scale too to see if I am losing anything! YOU GO GIRL!!


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