Monday, July 27, 2009

It's muscle, right?

Today I'm up over a pound. 1.8 to be exact. Oops.

I was starving last week. I should have eaten more fruits and veggies but I didn't.. I really wanted bread. Go figure. Ok, to be honest, I REALLY wanted chocolate but I didn't have any in the house. And from the weight gain I had, I really think that was actually to my advantage- can you imagine the damage if I lost control on chocolate?? Whew.

Janae, my work out buddy, pointed out today that some of it might be muscle.

I think that is true too.. when I flex my arms now, I have a cute little muscle pop up. Aaannd, I'm down a 1/2" from just under my bust area (I measure all over) and I'm down a 1/2" from my muffin top area.

The elliptical that kicked my butt last week was so much easier today. It still took effort obviously (a LOT) but I was able to do the 30 minutes (300 cal. burned!) without feeling like I was going to kill over and die. Yay!!

I really do feel so much healthier and I'm enjoying working out. Who would have thought.


  1. I'm sure it's muscle.
    Bread is so light! ;)

  2. I think that's good! Small fluctuations are won't even really notice 1.8 pounds once you're at your goal, right? Keep focusing on how great you feel; that's what it's all about!


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